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Searching a European Gentleman for Life Partner? You have arrived at the correct place!

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Posted: 26 Dec 2004
Accessed: 16 Sep 8


1.70 m

130 kg

North Norfolk, UK


I'am 55 years Old, no smoker, no drink alcool, good job in uk, love animal, nationality French, live in Uk but i'am Fat men my weight are little higher. Quiet and tender, i looking for womens slim, no smoker, without children and charge familly. for life togheter in uK.



Posted: 08 Nov 2003
Modified: 13 Dec 2004


1.77 m

90 kg



SOMETIME IN SHANGHAI I am an 38 years old,single guy living in Turkey.For the next vacation,I planned to visit China for about ten days,there,I hope to be free for learning and understanding of Chinese culture and the daily life.This will be my first time in China (also in Far East)and what I know about the country is almost nothing.hence,I am searching a friend through internet,with whom I can learn more about China and Shanghai,maybe meet there and maybe have a good time together in China. If you say "why not?   " I will be pleased to hear from you.


Posted: 21 Jul 2006
Modified: 22 Jan 1
Accessed: 21 Jan 1


1.77 m

80 kg

Leeds, UK


Looking for my other half - Looking to make friends and (much) more for the right person. My personal qualities are of value and I can honestly say that I am a warm, sincere, caring, energetic, straight, one-woman man who does not behave like a monkey - swinging from branch to branch in relationships. I want to meet a Female with age to 49 and I want to meet for Friendship, Romance, Marriage or Other. Looking for a warm, caring, tactile, sincere, passionate and energetic lady.


Posted: 02 Apr 2005
Accessed: 07 Apr 2005


1.92 m

68 kg

Fort Lauderdale, Fl, USA


Hello, I'm just looking to talk, and start a relashionship maybe with a chinese girl. I have no objective any straight girl can email me, if you want, and don't worry, I will respond to any girl who email me. I can't say much now, but I trully want to talk.


Posted: 05 Nov 2004
Modified: 08 Jan 8
Accessed: 11 Feb 9


1.76 m

78 kg

South, Germany


Oh hello....I am just retired...a scientist and eager to meet a wonderful Lady from China ...age doesn't matter .. looking for a future together dogs, nature, travelling and more...curious to meet a charming old boy who has 24 hours time for you ???   ...ok let's start....


Posted: 04 Dec 2004
Accessed: 10 Jan 8


1.84 m

71 kg



I am 30 years old, youn energetic, responsible, working in a reputed company as General Manager. Looking for a right person who could share the moments of happiness and sadness in the life. She must possess charming personality, high moral values, kindhearted, well -educated, loving and caring. Anyone, who could fulfill the requirements, please contact personally on my mobile number: 00966 50 628 3384.


Posted: 19 Nov 2004
Modified: 20 Jun 2005
Accessed: 14 Jan 8


1.81 m

100 kg

Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany


I am searching a chinese girl who is interested in penpal with me. I live in germany, can write in english too. And if you have any questions about living in this country, speeking this language or visiting some interesting places, so I can help you find the best for you. Why not having a friend on the other side of the earth? 


Posted: 14 Oct 2005
Modified: 20 Jun 2005
Accessed: 14 Jan 8


1.64 m

50 kg

Jakarta, Indonesia


Hello.. Iam jun from jogjakarta indonesia, I like mature gay 35-60 year old but just chiness. if you like plese contact me, send email. ok i stady in medical in jogjakarta. thank...


Posted: 04 Jun 2005
Modified: 23 Jul 2006
Accessed: 15 Jan 7


1.69 m

65 kg

Bristol, UK


I am a professional working in Bristol. Have travelled in the East and love to know the rich chineese culture and may be more...I am very independent and liberal in thoughts...So if you find me interesting please drop me a line...



Accessed: 31 Jul 7


1.83 m

77 kg

Florida, USA


Hi ~ I am interested in finding an attractive oriental lady for possible marriage. I admire the traditional values (loyalty, honor, spaciousness) mixed with a certain amount of passion or zest for life. I am a hard worker, kind hearted, romantic and humorous. ~ bye


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