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Seeking a French Gentleman for Husband? You have found the serious site!

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Posted: 12 Aug 7
Modified: 21 Aug 7
Accessed: 25 Aug 7


1.69 m


California, China


I like to meet friends and share our experience and value together



Posted: 07 May 9
Modified: 21 Aug 7
Accessed: 10 May 9


1.67 m

54 kg






Modified: 31 May 8
Accessed: 10 Nov 9


1.72 m

64 kg

South East England, UK


红尘百感迄今惟有我自承,俗世七情往后谁伴我共尝; 人生营役寒署数十问为何? 知音人渺业虽小成叹奈何! 我受过良好教育,学历至博士,现在英国移动电诉业一间什有前景的诉息科技公司任职软件工程师。性格的特点是尽责助人,诚恳务实,忍耐坚毅,谨慎达观。虽然在英国出生,但在香港由婆婆把我抚养长大,中国的传统文化早已在我心中根深蒂固;由於在英生活已有多年,我亦很欣赏西方文化的可取之处。广东话是我的母语,虽然我说普通话不大好,但我能听懂国语。毫无父荫的我多年来勤於学业和工作,感情生活一片空白。现在生活安定, 可以有余暇享受人生,开始喜欢到中国内地观光以长见闻;工余时间喜欢看一些於己有益的书,听音乐,整理花园,烹饪,做一些自己能做的家居维修,网上冲浪,在电影院或家中看电影,下棋,集邮,看金庸的武侠小说和马荣成的漫画。我自觉是一个爱护照顾家庭的人,现在的目标是尽量享受人生,寻找一位可以彼此全心全意互爱对方的终身伴侣来建立一个温馨家庭。人生有起有伏,跌倒后就要再站起来,我愿和您分享我从过去的经历所体会到的几点愚见:知(求人)难,刻(贫穷)苦,耐(人情)薄,防(人心)险,万事恒以致事成,当自强不息,求无愧於心,忍一时之气风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 I am well educated with PhD & MEng degrees,and am a software engineer working for a high profile information technology company in the mobile communication industry. Characterwise speaking, I am responsible, patient, considerate and helpful. I was born in the UK but I grew up in Hong Kong. Being brought up by my grandmother in a Chinese society, the traditional Chinese culture is deep rooted in my mind although I also appreciate the western culture as I have been living in the UK for over 19 years now. My mother tonque is Cantonese and I can understand Mandarin very well but I do not speak it fluently. As I was not born with a silver spoon, I have been working very hard in the past years to an extent that I had neglected my love life. I now start to enjoy life more and have begun to like travelling in China. When I am not travelling, I spend my time on self improvement, gardening, cooking, doing Do-It-Yourself house maintenance,playing round with my computer, watching movies at home on the cable TV or at the cinema. My other hobbies are playing chess, stamp collecting and reading fiction and comics. I used to play badminton at school but I stopped playing after I had started working.I must admit I am a family oriented man. My goal now is to enjoy life as far as I can, and find someone I dearly love to be loved and build a family. I have experienced ups and downs in life in past years. Below are things I would like to share with you: -Know the difficulty of asking people to help you, -Cope with the bitterness that poverty brings you, -Stand the thinness of so called perosonal favour, -Look out for being cheated by people around you , -Be persistent until success and self-improving continuously I am looking for my the other half, one that I can spend the rest of my life with. She should be intelligent, understanding, love family and children. I have never married before, do not smoke,only drink in social occassion and hope you are the same.


Posted: 04 Jun 2004
Modified: 27 May 7
Accessed: 72 00 1


1.79 m

95 kg

West, USA


About Me: Free spirit, good imagination, great sense of humor, lover of children, people and animals. calm and friendly, very hopeless romantic, loving and affectionate, great kisser, or so I have been told in my past life :-), faithful, not afraid to show my emotions, from Italian/Portuguese heritage, giving, patient, loyal in mind and body, financially secure; not rich!, outdoorsy, good with hands,.............Christian........About you; clean and neat, very affectionate and loving, spontaneous, a healthy libido is a must, intelligent, earthy, a perfume lover like me would be a big plus, open minded and optimistic, no ANGER or EX issues. .... Just be nice, real and down to earth!... I am very ready to marry a sweet, sincere woman. Are you ready?  Hope so!!...... ANY age under mine....



Posted: 29 Jan 7
Accessed: 29 Aug 9


1.78 m

83 kg

Middlesex, UK


Im a kind and very loving man. hard working with a different and interesting job meeting people from all over the world. good fun to be with. Who enjoys life


Posted: 04 Jan 7
Modified: 07 Jan 7
Accessed: 03 Sep 7


1.61 m

55 kg

London, UK


Hi, I am 33 years old and live in South London. I work in Wimbledon which is great. I love movies, concerts, eating out in nice restaurants and going out with friends. Family is very important to me also ( the little guy in the pic is my nephew). My dream in life is to meet a special lady to share my life with. Someone to experience life with and make new memories together.


Posted: 16 Jul 8
Modified: 21 Jul 8
Accessed: 06 Mar 9


1.85 m

88 kg

Greater London, UK


I am easy going, honest, considerate, caring, polite. I am a happy guy who loves to laugh and be happy and make sure the people around me are very happy too. I don't smoke, drink occasionally and listen to a lot of instrumental music and sometimes classical music when I am driving. I enjoy going exquisite food and fine drinks, usually with friends and travelling and love sailing. I like to keep fit and getting involved with extreme sports, sailing, rock climing. I work as a project manager. If you like dancing (salsa or any kind of dancing), then lend me your hand, put your dancing shoes and come with me. You know you want to dance, so come on....smiles There is a lot of interesting things to know about me, so don't be shy, ask..


Posted: 01 Jul 7
Modified: 07 Jul 7
Accessed: 20 Oct 1


1.76 m

65 kg

London, UK


Easy going, fun-loving, blue-eyed blond. I've been living and working in London the last few years since finishing my PhD. I Like to keep fit but hate going to the gym, much prefer to play squash or anything more entertaining than a treadmill to stay in shape. Love going to see live bands, enjoy travelling, especially in Asia, and am very interested in Chinese culture and am learning to speak Mandarin. If you're a fairly laid back, honest, caring, reliable person and are looking for a few laughs to begin with then i'd love to hear from you.



Modified: 17 Mar 7
Accessed: 11 May 8


1.80 m

65 kg

Midlands, UK


I am a white English man living in South Northamptonshire in the Midlands, I work as an Electronic Design Engineer (with a BSc). I would love to find someone to share my life. Thank you for reading this, I look forward to hearing from you.


Posted: 04 May 2005
Modified: 27 Dec 2006
Accessed: 13 May 8


1.72 m

70 kg

Saskatoon, Canada


I am a happy person and allot of fun to be around. I Enjoy meeting new people, trying new things and staying active. I love going to the movies and going for walks. I like to cook, believe it or not. I also like trying different resturants, sipping on a glass of wine and watching the sun go down. I have some more pictures, so let me know if you are interested and I can send them to you. I am a kind, successful, romantic guy looking to find a special women to spend the rest of my life with.


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