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Looking for a American Gentleman for Companionship? You have located the correct place!

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Posted: 10 Mar 7
Accessed: 04 Dec 8


1.73 m

70 kg

Taranaki, New Zealand


New Zealand man looking for friends. Loving, caring compassionate


Posted: 09 Jul 2004
Modified: 10 Sep 7
Accessed: 06 Oct 8


1.83 m

83 kg

Dublin, Ireland


Hello. I am Dennis from Ireland. I am 51yrs and 184cm. I am divorced. My personality is polite, calm, caring and good humoured. I am educated and honourable. I enjoy nature, music, cinema, reading and sport. I have a great interest in the Chinese culture. I wish for a lady who is gentle, calm, caring and loyal. I will be pleased to learn about you. Hope to receive your kind reply. Best wishes. Dennis.


Posted: 09 Nov 2004
Modified: 10 Nov 2004
Accessed: 06 Nov 7


1.76 m

60 kg

East, China


I am looking for a single white/caucasian/latino/Arab/mixed lady for friendship, romance, love, and perhaps more. I am a single Chinese American man, splitting my time in both China and US. I am intellectual and adventurous. I enjoy watching classical ballet, meeting interesting people, exploring new ideas and places, watching/reading thought-provoking books/movies. I am loving, caring, I can be serious at times and I laugh often too. I received education in fine universities in US, Europe and China. Please feel welcome to write me. You can also see my photo at the above link.



Posted: 24 Feb 2004
Modified: 01 Mar 2004
Accessed: 11 Sep 2006


1.78 m

76 kg

London, UK


Hi! I'm andrew I'm easy going, warm hearted and fun to be with, hope to chat with you soon...



Modified: 02 Sep 2005
Accessed: 62 00 1


1.80 m

104 kg



American born man seeks sweet sincere loving sexually secure woman for relocation and marrage. I am caring and loving and am seeking a nice realistic chinese woman to grow old with. I work in the computer field and do graphic arts. If you are ready to go forward and re-locate please contact me so we can talk more. 鎴戞瀵绘壘涓€涓槸瀵规柊things.I寮€鏀剧殑鍠勮壇濂冲+鏄皢瀹佹効瑕佷竴涓濂?鍏剁煡閬撳ス鐨勮嚜宸辩簿绁炲拰鑲変綋鍜屼笉鏄線鍚庡湪濂圭殑thinking..If涓殑浣犲儚濂借皥璇濅竴涓笀澶拰涓€鏈夌泭鍋ュ悍鎬х敓娲昏鍜屾垜鑱旂郴鍦



Posted: 02 Aug 2003


1.85 m

74 kg

none, Others


I am looking to meet my sole mate.


Posted: 02 Feb 2006
Modified: 02 Mar 8


1.71 m

68 kg

Surrey, Canada


Hello HI i am looking for a nice China woman, see must be slim and speak English, I am an Engineer and love life, travel, walks with my small dog, i love nature, Majong, Swimming , Travel . music , Care giving is a plus , so is Hong Kong will tell you more later if your interested. i plan to see china soon, i love nature , photography , taking my dog ,cujo, on walks, i like nice honesty , peace gardening --- as an engineer i love my job .but its nice to get outside , i use to fly my own plane and hang-glide thank you for reading my short words


Posted: 15 Feb 8
Modified: 18 Feb 8


1.75 m

75 kg

Beijing, China


CHRISTIAN GUY LIVING IN BEIJING, LOOKING FOR NICE CHRISTIAN YOUNG LADY --- Hi there! I'm a 31 year old Christian guy from Sydney, Australia, living in Beijing now and I'm looking for a Chinese lady between 18-26 years old for friendship first, and then if things go well, dating and then eventually marriage. I'm not handsome or experienced in relationships but I have lots of really good qualities. I'm friendly, polite, kind, sincere, humble, affectionate, patient and honest. However, I think my best quality is that I'm extremely loyal. My hobbies include most sports (especially soccer and cricket), playing guitar and listening to music (especially rock and pop), and travelling. Feel free to write to me. If I'm interested, I'll reply to you. Later! :)


Posted: 09 Jul 2005
Accessed: 05 Dec 7


1.84 m

87 kg

Vancouver, Canada


Hi, thanks for taking the time to read my ad. I am looking for a sweet, traditional chinese girl who has a strong belief in family values to spend the rest of my life with. I am honest, faithful, sincere, romantic, and I have a great sense of humor. I believe that love and family are the most important things in life. I love the outdoors and nature, and romanitc evenings in front of the fireplace. I have a stable job and I hope to meet a sweet, sincere, and honest woman who might want to move to Canada, get married and start a family. It's not important what age you are or if you are very beautiful or not, all I care about is that you are a kind and caring person who is beautiful on the inside. If you are interested, please write me.


Posted: 05 Aug 8
Accessed: 10 Jan 9


1.71 m

75 kg

Ohio, USA


I consider myself an attractive older man. I seek an outstanding Chinese lady for friendship, and a lasting relationship.


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