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Look for a Far East Lad for Happiness? You have discovered the serious Web page!

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Posted: 24 Jun 2006
Modified: 29 Jun 2006
Accessed: 02 May 8


1.73 m

60 kg

London, UK


I am looking for a pretty chinese girl to spend time with. Must be oriental so please do not contact if you are not. Leave me your details to get in contact soon. I will be waiting for your message.


Posted: 20 Dec 2005
Modified: 21 Dec 2005
Accessed: 02 May 8


1.87 m

80 kg

Karlsruhe, Germany


I'm a guy from germany, want to learn chinese and visit china. Want find some friends in china.


Posted: 20 Nov 9


1.62 m

70 kg

Middlesex, UK


BBC guy looking for a girl with a GSOH that can have a laugh and a joke. Into cars, football, going out having fun. If that's you contact me.


Posted: 15 Nov 2005
Accessed: 10 Dec 2005


1.75 m

63 kg

Manchester, UK


I am a friendly good natured afro carribean gentle man who has other peoples needs at heart. l exercise most days and eat healthy. I like too watch films be in a set routine most days and keep in contact with good friends. I allways put other people first before myself and like to be around positive people. My upbringing by my family has been very cultured because l was adopted when very little, to a loving family who taught me that life is more than making money but life is to be treasured and in life you have to make a diffrence to other peoples lifes or your own. A summary about me is, l have a lot to offer my partner from my life expercinces and good nature



Posted: 12 Nov 2003


1.74 m

86 kg

Midlands, UK and China Mainland


I am a chinese Medical consultant and visit China on regular basis. I love China and Chinese people and culture.I am honest,smart,Humorously funny and I love travelling, flying, driving in the countryside and watching movies. I am looking for a professional lady with good sense of humour.


Posted: 29 Apr 9


1.67 m

93 kg

Texas, USA


I am a kind, caring, affectionate, open minded, funny guy.


Posted: 03 Mar 2006
Accessed: 22 Jun 2006


1.75 m

64 kg

South Yorkshire, UK


I never found the girl of my dreams in England, because I know she's in China. I was born in Sheffield, in South Yorkshire in England in 1963. When I was 4 years old, my parents emigrated to Sydney in N.S.W Australia. I was brought up there until I was 14 years old and then we moved back to England. My Mother and Father noticed I was having a lot of trouble at schooll when I was about 9 years old, being beaten and bullied regularly, and so it was then I began to learn the Martial arts. My Mother first took me to Judo lessons, then Karate, Aikido and so on, but as I grew more fond of the oriental martial arts, I found the art of Wing Chun Gung Fu Kuen. I met a man from China in Sydney Chinatown one day as I was looking in a Chinese shop window. Because it was late at night, and very dangerous at that time for a 9 year old to be alone on the streets, he took me to a building. Inside the building there were Chinese people practising something I had never seen before. From 9 years old till I was 14 years, this man, Mr Sifu Lawrence Lee became one of my best friends. I have been learning Wing Chun now for 34 years. He taught me a lot of respect, not just for the Chinese people and their culture, but for everyone and everything. I have always revolved my life around the things and ways he taught me when I was young and this is why I truly believe my heart belongs to a woman from China. At the moment I am a qualified Carpenter and have been a professional singer for 26 years. I mostly sing the songs of Elvis Presley, Rock 'n Roll, the 1950's and 60's and country music. I would love to find the girl of my dreams here on Dating China, as I have been searching for a number of years now and never found what my heart is truly looking for. I am sincere, faithful, trustworthy, good-mannered and kind and would expect the same in return from my true soul-mate,best-friend, girl-friend and finally, also hopefully my wife. I hope this profile gives you a brief understanding to the type of person I am though there is much more. Hopefully, the one I am looking for is searching for me. I wish the best to all in search of their dearest love, I hope you find it soon. sincerely,,,Marty.


Posted: 09 Mar 8
Accessed: 14 Nov 9


1.87 m

93 kg

New York, USA


I am seeking a refined lady. I would like to meet an educated woman with tradiational values. My lady MUST also be sexy and sensual, who will not allow the word NO to fall from her lips in the bedroom. Please respond if you are interested in marriage and relocating to the United States. Please also send a photo.


Posted: 18 Jan 2005
Modified: 11 May 2006
Accessed: 24 Mar 7


1.74 m

75 kg

Marietta GA, USA


Hello, my name is Greg and i'm looking for a fun loving nice girl to chat with, i was in china last year and had fun. i'm interested in computers , books and martial arts. i hope to hear from you soon :)


Posted: 05 Jul 2004
Modified: 15 May 2006
Accessed: 62 00 1


1.80 m

76 kg

Manchester, UK


Hi, I am 32 years old, Caucasian and living in Manchester. I love the Chinese culture and lifestyle and would love to meet a Chinese lady for friendship to share conversation, company and fun...... I am well educated, kind hearted and love to feel life, I believe what is meant for you will not go by you. I love to write, play sports, especially Tennis and Cycling and enjoy walking whether it be in the City or in the Country. I also believe that my career is important, but the best things in life always come for free and my heart will always rule my head!! I would love for you to contact me.


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