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Seek a Beijing Lad for Serious Relationship? You have come to the serious site!

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Posted: 18 May 2005
Modified: 03 Jun 2005
Accessed: 28 Jul 2005


1.84 m

80 kg

Hampshire, UK


A confused boy born in Beijing....



Posted: 17 Apr 2004


1.76 m

62 kg

Leicester, Midlands, UK


I'm a quiet and sensitive man currently pursuing my PhD in Leicester. I love classical music, movies, museums, eating out, travel, and I also play the piano a bit. I'm British, but I don't fit the stereotype you might have in mind - I don't drink or smoke or go "clubbing", I'm careful with my money and prefer to lead a quieter life. I'm looking for someone to share the things I enjoy with me, and who I can love and care for.


Posted: 23 Oct 2004
Accessed: 12 Jan 8


1.73 m

64 kg

Puglia, Italy


My name is Nicola, i am 53 y.o. and I live in bari , a seatown in the South of Italy. I am single, never married and I have not childrens. I don't smoke and don't drink. I am honest sincer man. I search a nice and honest chinese woman to a long term relationship.



Modified: 22 May 7
Accessed: 21 May 7


1.60 m

68 kg

Singapore , Singapore


Hi , I'm David from Singapore , I'm looking for a Chinese girl age 22 - 29 years old . My hobbies are : surfing the net , listen ti music , watching movies ...


Posted: 25 Mar 7


1.62 m

63 kg

London, UK


Well hi! I’m a 30 year old professional of Hispanic/English descent (if that makes sense!), living in London and hoping to fine to get in touch with beautiful oriental girls in the UK. Have recently come back from Beijing, really enjoyed my time out there and hoping to learn more about the Chinese culture. I’d like to think of myself as bright & trustworthy and hope to meet a girl who is interested in meeting up in the Capital (or nearby!). I love cinema and am always on the look out for new and interesting restaurants. Hope to hear from you.


Posted: 22 Dec 2004
Modified: 23 Dec 2004


1.88 m

110 kg

Bristol, UK


I am an English man who likes Chinese women. I am a martial artist and film fanatic. These are the 2 main passions in my life. I am intelligent, have a good sense of humour. I like going out and having fun with others but also like quiet nights in watching tv. I'm an energetic and happy person who would like to meet someone similar. I currently live in Bristol but plan on maybe moving to London soon. However I would move almost anywhere to find true love..... :0)


Posted: 12 Dec 7


1.80 m

90 kg

Helsinki, Finland


I work with construction engineering and architecture. I am open minded and would like to find someone special... perhaps to marry. I have worked before in Asia and I am planning to go back to work there.


Posted: 22 Sep 2005
Modified: 23 Sep 2005
Accessed: 19 Jan 9


1.87 m

90 kg

East Grinstead, UK


I am 38 never married, non smoker, looking for the right lifelong partner. A lady, who is loving, elegant, honest, sincere, well educated and must have a good sense of humour someone who I can love and be loved by, take care of and be taken care of. I beleive that a relationship should be give and take, 50/50 partnership share and enjoy the good times, tackle the bad times together as one, I am also looking to establish a happy family.I enjoy reading, travel, some sports. I am caring, loving, sincere, honest, generous and have a good sense of humour.


Posted: 26 Mar 2004
Modified: 26 Aug 2006
Accessed: 25 Sep 2006


1.93 m

98 kg

Surrey, UK


Well, what shall I say? (Everyone is right - this bit IS difficult!) Hmmm...I'm an easy-going, outgoing guy who will try anything once! No major hang-ups, I guess I am fairly self-confident and know my own mind. I am financially independent (in case that matters!) I enjoy being with my friends, but dont feel lost if I am on my own. I like fast cars, travelling, skiing and sports generally. I love meeting people and I have a completely crazy/mischievous/cheeky/fun side, but it takes the right person to bring it out. I'm in no hurry to meet someone, it'll happen when it happens, but I love meeting people anyway so please get in touch and who knows...?     By the way, sorry I've got sunglasses on in the photo - its nothing sinister like I like to hide my eyes or anything (as a few have commented), I just I couldnt find another photo. Will dig one out (with eyes) if you ask me.



Accessed: 14 Nov 2006


1.83 m

75 kg

Hampshire, UK


I am a white Englishman Seeking a life long partner (marriage). I have never been married, no children. I live in England. I have many interests when I get the chance, which is not very often. I think I can say I am gentle, warmhearted, mature and funny. I am honest, sincere, quite, kind and faithful. I am looking for a life long sole partner any age, who has no children but would like to have children and to have a complete loveing family and live in England. She must be a one man women, loyal, faithful, enjoy evenings in together cuddled up to the one she loves and enjoy life it's self. If you think it is you and you would be happy with me, please mail me so we can start life together as friends.


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